This comprehensive course is a deep dive into compersion, helping you truly understand its many forms and ditch any misconceptions. You'll learn to spot what helps and hurts compersion in consensually non-monogamous relationships, whether your own, for your clients, or both! Learn to build relationships where compersion thrives.

We'll also explore how social positionality affects compersion, making you more aware of how identity, privilege, and positive empathy intersect - both for yourself and your clients. By the end, you'll feel confident to start navigating compersion's complexities and guiding your clients toward healthier, more fulfilling relationships.
Therapists can earn 2 CEUs for this course.
Learning Objectives
At the conclusion of the workshop, participants will be able to:
- Learners will be able to distinguish between two main ways that consensually non-monogamous individuals may experience compersion.
- Learners will be able to list six factors that generally promote compersion in consensually non-monogamous relationships, and six factors that hinder it.
- Learners will be able to describe some of the ways compersion may be impacted by social positionality, particularly considering factors of age, sexual orientation, gender, race, socioeconomic status, and (dis)ability.
About the presenter:
Marie Thouin, PhD is the author of "What is Compersion? Understanding Positive Empathy in Consensually Non-Monogamous Relationships," the first-ever comprehensive scholarly book on compersion. She has been featured in several magazines and podcasts, including ELLE, the Savage Lovecast, and Huffpost. Marie has also published seminal research studies, the first encyclopedia entry on compersion, and is the creator of, a popular website that features her research, blogs, and a list of resources on the topic of compersion. She is also the Founder of Love InSight, a Mindful Dating & Relationship Coaching practice where she supports and guides people of all backgrounds and relational orientations to create intentional and vibrant love lives. You can follow her on Instagram at @drmariethouin
Format and Length:
Live zoom meeting. Total running time 120 minutes.
Topic Area:
Clinical practice, Theoretical Foundations
Instructional Level:
All levels
Completion Requirements:
Live viewers must complete an online evaluation at the end of the course to obtain their CE certificate via email. Those viewing the recording must watch the entire workshop, complete an evaluation, and obtain a score of 70% or higher on a course completion quiz. You are allowed to take the quiz as many times as you need.
Completion Quiz and Course Evaluation:
After the workshop, the course completion quiz will be available to complete, followed by the course evaluation.
Who Should Attend:
Counselors, masters or doctoral level clinical social workers, marriage and family therapists, and licensed professional counselors. Other wellness providers who work with couples, especially queer couples.
Course Date:
January 16, 2025
Conflict of Interest Statement:
There is no potential conflict of interest or outside commercial support for this course.
Refund Grievance Policy:
Click here for the full refund and grievance policy.
Contact Information:
For any inquiries related to subject matter guidance, correction, grading, comments, or problem resolution please contact us at [email protected]
David F Khalili, LMFT is approved by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists to sponsor continuing education for MFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and LEPs licensed through the California Board of Behavioral Sciences. CEPA Provider # 1000132.